
React component for animating an element's children, one by one.


This package is distributed via npm.

npm install react-smooth-list

Basic Usage

Here's the basic concept of how it rocks:

import SmoothList from 'react-smooth-list';
// ...


Animates its children, one by one.

⚠️ To have children animate separately, they must be first-level children of the <SmoothList> component (i.e. members of its props.children).


Key Type Default Description
delay number 50 Delay between each child's animation in milliseconds.
transitionDuration number 400 Duration of each child's animation in milliseconds.
className string Adds a className prop to the container div.
childClassName string Adds a className prop to each child div, allowing you to style the direct children of the SmoothList component.
wrapperTag string "div" Override the HTML element of the wrapping div.
childTag string "div" Override the HTML element wrapped around each child element.
visible boolean If not undefined, the visible prop can be used to control when the fade in occurs. If set to false after the fade-in animation completes, the children will fade out one by one.
onComplete function Specifies a callback to be called when the animation completes.
animated boolean
