
React File Upload Component for Upload.io (React Wrapper for Uploader)

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Quick Start — Try on CodePen

To create a file upload button:

npm install react-uploader

import { Uploader } from "uploader";
import { UploadButton } from "react-uploader";

const uploader = new Uploader({
  // Get production API keys from Upload.io
  apiKey: "free"

<UploadButton uploader={uploader}
              options={{multi: true}}
              onComplete={files => console.log(files)}>
  {({onClick}) =>
    <button onClick={onClick}>
      Upload a file...


Install via NPM:

npm install react-uploader

Or via YARN:

yarn add react-uploader

Or via a <script> tag:

<script src="https://js.upload.io/react-uploader/v1"></script>


Initialize once at the start of your application:

import { Uploader } from "uploader";

// Get production API keys from Upload.io
const uploader = new Uploader({
  apiKey: "free"

Choose a Component

react-uploader provides two UI components:

(1) File Upload Button

import { UploadButton } from "react-uploader";

<UploadButton uploader={uploader}
              options={{multi: true}}
              onComplete={files => console.log(files)}>
  {({onClick}) =>
    <button onClick={onClick}>
      Upload a file...

(2) Dropzone

import { UploadDropzone } from "react-uploader";

<UploadDropzone uploader={uploader}
                options={{multi: true}}
                onComplete={files => console.log(files)}
                height="375px" />

The Result

The onComplete callback receives a Array<UploaderResult>:

  fileUrl: "https://upcdn.io/FW25...",          // The URL to use when serving this file.

  editedFile: undefined,                        // The edited file (if present). Same as below.

  originalFile: {
    accountId: "FW251aX",                       // The Upload.io account that owns the file.
    file: { ... },                              // DOM file object (from the <input> element).
    fileId: "FW251aXa9ku...",                   // The uploaded file ID.
    fileUrl: "https://upcdn.io/FW25...",        // The uploaded file URL.
    fileSize: 12345,                            // File size in bytes.
    mime: "image/jpeg",                         // File MIME type.
    suggestedOptimization: {
      transformationUrl: "https://upcdn.io/..", // The suggested URL for serving this file.
      transformationSlug: "thumbnail"           // Append to 'fileUrl' to produce the above URL.
    tags: [                                     // Tags manually & auto-assigned to this file.
      { name: "tag1", searchable: true },
      { name: "tag2", searchable: true },

Full Documentation

react-uploader is a React wrapper for uploader.

Please see: Uploader Docs.


If you would like to contribute to Uploader:

  1. Add a GitHub Star to the project (if you’re feeling generous!).
  2. Determine whether you’re raising a bug, feature request or question.
  3. Raise your issue or PR.




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