
React.js Examples

React anything sortable

React anything sortable A ReactJS component that can sort any children with touch support and IE8 compatibility live demo Sort custom style children Sort images Children with
28 September 2016

Khan Academy React Components

Khan Academy React Components Some components we build for Khan Academy that the world might find useful. live demo GitHub
28 September 2016

React Accordion Box

React Accordion Box BY Adam Moore mimic the actions but building it in React.js codepen demo See the Pen React Accordion Box by Adam Moore (@adamaoc) on CodePen.
22 September 2016

React Tabs BY Tobi Weinstock

React Tabs First experimentation with React JS and Flexbox. BY Tobi Weinstock codepen demo See the Pen React Tabs by Tobi Weinstock (@tvweinstock) on CodePen.
22 September 2016

React date range picker

React date range picker BY Rob Vermeer Date picker in React, you can select a range of dates. codepen demo See the Pen React date range picker by Rob Vermeer (@RobVermeer) on CodePen.
22 September 2016

Game of Life in React and Redux

Game of Life (React + Redux) An implementation of John Conway's Game of Life in React and Redux. BY Peter Daily Game of Life React + Redux Implementation Read the rules of the game on
22 September 2016

Inbox built upon React and ES6

Inbox built upon React and ES6 BY Maxime Preaux Messing with React.js Built with React and powered by ES6. codepen demo See the Pen React - Inbox by Maxime Preaux (@deammer) on
22 September 2016

React tabs component

React tabs component Supports React ^0.14.0 or ^15.0.0 Live Demo GitHub
22 September 2016

React App Setting Panel Component

react-settings-pane React Component to display a neat settings page for customizable configuration in your app React Component to display a neat settings page that enables customizable configuration in your app. It should easily
22 September 2016

Ant Design of React

Ant Design of React An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation. [Bonus] Ant Design of React is a React framework from the Chinese company Ant Design; based on the design specifications they
20 September 2016

A flexible and beautiful UI framework for React.js

Elemental-UI Elemental-UI is a high quality, modular set of UI scaffolding components and controls for React that are built from the outset to natively implement React patterns. Elemental-UI is inspired from many component
20 September 2016

Configurable React Components with great UX

Belle Configurable React Components with great UX. Belle provides you with a set of React components like Toggle, ComboBox, Rating, TextInput, Button, Card, Select and soon many more. All of the components are
20 September 2016

React Components for Material Design Lite

React-MDL React-MDL is a set of React components build on top of Material Design Litev1.2.1 React-MDL is the React implementation of the already popular Material Design Light framework by google. MDL
20 September 2016

Foundation as React components

React + Foundation Foundation from Zurb is a very feature-rich and easily customizable library. it is one of the most popular UI frameworks that are out there. React-Foundation is the implementation of the Foundation
20 September 2016

Bootstrap 3 components built with React

React-Bootstrap Bootstrap 3 components built with React. Under active development - APIs will change. Check out the 1.0.0 roadmap and contributing guidelines to see where you can help out. Prior to
20 September 2016

A sidebar component for React

React Sidebar 2.0 Breaking change since v1.1.0 is that the sidebar no longer has a white background. React Sidebar is a sidebar component for React 0.14+. It offers the
02 September 2016

Comment Editor with REACT.js

Comment Editor with REACT.js This pen shows an implementation of Draft.js framework built by facebook. It's a powerful Rich Text Editor with ton of potential! codepen demo See the Pen REACTing
28 August 2016

React Redux Todo App

React Redux Todo App BY Greg Hoch demo See the Pen React Redux Todo App #2 by Greg Hoch (@ghoch) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

Tiles Of Gnome with react.js

Tiles-Of-Gnome by Vasiliy Kostin use Arrows, ASDW, or Mouse Clicks to move your hero. codepen demo See the Pen Tiles-of-Gnome by Megabyte (@Megabyteceer) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

Animated Sorting List React.js

Animated Sorting List React.js BY Chris Macrae An animated react list Mix it up! codepen demo See the Pen Animated Sorting List React.js by Chris Macrae (@chrisdmacrae) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

Glowing orb clock made with React

Digital Clock - React Glowing orb clock made with React codepen demo See the Pen Digital Clock - React by Matthew Vincent (@matthewvincent) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

Current Orders with React.js

Coffee Run! React - Redux Ramping up on my React / Redux training.. Concepts are starting to click and I am having a ton of fun building stuff. codepen demo See the Pen Coffee
28 August 2016

React SVG Progress Indicator

React SVG Progress Indicator Example React component using ES6 to show the progress of a page load or file upload. codepen demo See the Pen React SVG Progress Indicator by Isaac Suttell (@isuttell)
28 August 2016