Apps Rick and Morty Characters app build using react and tailwind CSS This app shows all of the Rick and Morty charachters. 15 September 2021
Apps An easy to use mood tracking app build with react and and Tailwind CSS Introducing Aura, an easy to use mood tracking app that takes your daily life's mood into account. 14 September 2021
Select A pretty cool country selector using TailwindCSS and Framer Motion A pretty cool country selector using TailwindCSS and Framer Motion. 13 September 2021
Portfolio Page An open-source portfolio template built with React and Tailwind An open-source portfolio template built with React and Tailwind. 13 September 2021
Tailwind CSS Create tailwind css react components like styled components with classes name on multiple lines Create Tailwind CSS React components like styled components with class names on multiple lines and conditional class rendering 13 September 2021
Boilerplate VR2T Boilerplate Generator using Vite.js, React TypeScript, & Tailwind CSS A boilerplate generator for VR2T → Vite.js, React TypeScript, & Tailwind CSS. 09 September 2021
Airbnb Airbnb clone website using React, Next.js and Tailwind CSS This example shows how to use Tailwind CSS (v2.2) with Next.js. It follows the steps outlined in the official Tailwind docs. 09 September 2021
Tailwind CSS A component library built in TypeScript for React developers who use Tailwind Elora is a component library built in TypeScript for React developers who use Tailwind in their projects. 07 September 2021
Apps A Bookstore Project Built with React, Redux, and TailwindCSS In this project, I set up my Bookstore project. It is about making a Bookstore with 2 section BOOKS and CATEGORIES 04 September 2021
Starter A Next.js, Tailwind, and Typescript project bootstrapped using ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter This is a Next.js, Tailwind, and Typescript project bootstrapped using ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter created by Theodorus Clarence. 04 September 2021
UI Pixel perfect mobile UI components built with Tailwind CSS Pixel perfect mobile UI components built with Tailwind CSS With iOS and Material Design components for React. 03 September 2021
UI macOS Big Sur UI clone for the web built with React and Tailwind CSS A simple UI clone of macOS Big Sur for the web. 21 August 2021
Spotify A Spotify Profile App made with React and Tailwind CSS A Spotify Profile App made with React, Express, Node and Tailwind. 17 August 2021
Tailwind CSS An example of how you can use Tailwind UI and React with Deno I built this example application to show how you can use Tailwind UI and React with Deno. 16 August 2021
Starter A starting boilerplate for a TS Next.js project with react and Tailwind CSS A starting boilerplate for a TS Next.js project with batteries included. Tailwind CSS in JIT mode for styling, 16 August 2021
Tailwind CSS Salvia-kit - Beautiful Dashboards built with Tailwind CSS for React Salvia-kit dashboard is a dashboards' website built with Tailwind CSS. 02 August 2021
Apps A personal event manager app built with React and Tailwind CSS A personal event manager applicationa built with React.js, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. 02 August 2021
Tailwind CSS An Instagram clone made using Tailwind CSS and React An Instagram clone made using React, Firebase, Tailwind, and more. 02 August 2021
Vite ReactJS + Vite boilerplate to be used with Tailwindcss This is a ReactJS + Vite boilerplate to be used with Tailwindcss. 29 July 2021
Search A Restaurant Finder App MongoDB Atlas Search Uses React and Tailwind Restaurant Finder application for NYC demonstrating Atlas Search Features. Uses React and Tailwind. 21 July 2021
Admin Template A Free React Admin Template With Material Design And Tailwind CSS Free and Open Source Admin for Tailwind CSS and React based on Google's Material Design. 21 July 2021
Todo A to-do application built with React and Tailwind CSS A basic to-do application built with React and Tailwind CSS. 14 July 2021
UI Collection of Accessible React UI Components using Tailwind CSS Collection of accessible React UI components with the built-in dark theme using Tailwind CSS. 07 July 2021
Table A Customizable Table Component With React Table And Tailwind CSS Build customizable table component with React Table and Tailwind CSS. 05 July 2021
UI Building Facebook UI Clone using React and Tailwind CSS Building Facebook Clone using React and Tailwind CSS. 30 June 2021
Games A tetris-style game created with React and TailwindCSS Block merging game built with React, Redux and Tailwind. 29 June 2021
UI A Linear App clone with React and Tailwind CSS clone with React & Tailwind CSS. 29 June 2021
Admin Template A beautiful UI Kit and Admin for Tailwind CSS and React Start your development with a Free Tailwind CSS and React UI Kit and Admin. 28 June 2021
Admin Template A Free Admin Dashboard Template Built With Tailwind CSS And React Mosaic Lite is a responsive dashboard template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React. 19 May 2021
Tailwind CSS Functional typed classnames for TailwindCSS Functional typed classnames for TailwindCSS. 12 April 2021
Chart React + Tailwind css + ChartJs stock card use React , Tailwind css and Chart js build stock card demo project. 23 February 2021
Templates A free landing page template built with TailwindCSS and React Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React. 22 February 2021
Landing Page A responsive landing page made with React & Tailwind CSS A responsive landing page for food delivery app made with React & Tailwind CSS. 09 February 2021