SDA-Flow (Under heavy development)

GitHub package.json version

You can use SDA-Flow here:

This repository is maintained by Nael Shiab, senior data producer at CBC/Radio-Canada.

If you use the library, show off your work and tag me on Twitter or LinkedIn! ?

These project’s goals are:

  • To allow non-coders to use the open source library simple-data-analysis.js.

  • To create a node-based editor for data analysis running in the browser.


Watch the demo by clicking on the image below. It redirects to YouTube.

Watch the video

Here’s the final result of the demo. It’s an example from the simple-data-analysis.js library inside an Observable notebook, with the equivalent made with SDA-Flow.

An Observable notebook using simple-data-analysis

Core principles

The editor is built as a NextJS app, with simple-data-analysis.js and React Flow.

All of the computations are ran in the browser.

Feel free to start a conversation or create a new issue. If you want to contribute to the code, let’s talk! ?


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