React Step Progress Bar

A library to create stunning progress bars and steps in React.


Key Features

  • Create simple progress bars or with steps ?
  • Customize your steps as you want ?
  • Create your own step animations ?


To use this library, you'll need the npm CLI installed on your computer. From your command line, using npm:

npm install --save react-step-progress-bar

Or using yarn:

yarn add react-step-progress-bar


Simple progress bar

This example demonstrate how to create a simple progress bar.

import React from "react";
import "react-step-progress-bar/styles.css";
import { ProgressBar } from "react-step-progress-bar";

class ProgressBar extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        fillBackground="linear-gradient(to right, #fefb72, #f0bb31)"
React JSX

Progress bar with steps

This example demonstrate how to create your own progress bar with steps.

import React from "react";
import "react-step-progress-bar/styles.css";
import { ProgressBar, Step } from "react-step-progress-bar";

class StepProgressBar extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        fillBackground="linear-gradient(to right, #fefb72, #f0bb31)"
        <Step transition="scale">
          {({ accomplished }) => (
              style={{ filter: `grayscale(${accomplished ? 0 : 80}%)` }}
        <Step transition="scale">
          {({ accomplished }) => (
              style={{ filter: `grayscale(${accomplished ? 0 : 80}%)` }}
        <Step transition="scale">
          {({ accomplished }) => (
              style={{ filter: `grayscale(${accomplished ? 0 : 80}%)` }}
React JSX



name type default description
percent number Percantage of progression
children Step component(s) ProgressBar only accepts Step as children
stepPositions array of numbers By default Steps are spaced linearly on the ProgressBar. You can override this by specifying the positions of the steps (in percent)
unfillBackground string rgba($color: lightgrey, $alpha: 0.6); This props is used directly on the CSS background property of the unfilled part of the ProgressBar.
fillBackground string rgba($color: #0074d9, $alpha: 0.8) This props is used directly on the CSS background property of the filled part of the ProgressBar
width (in pixel) number 100% The width of the progress bar in pixel
height (in pixel) number 10 The height of the progress bar in pixel
hasStepZero boolean true Tells if steps position should start at 0 or not
text string Add a text in the middle of the progress bar


name type default description
accomplished boolean Tells if this Step has been accomplished
position number The position in percentage of the Step on the ProgressBar
index number The index of the Step in the ProgressBar
children function The function used to render the content of the Step
transition string Use one of the built-ins transitions
transitionDuration (in ms) string 300 The duration of the transition


A library to create stunning progress bars with steps in React 🌡 — Read More

Latest commit to the master branch on 9-12-2022
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