React hook form builder

Light weight schema Form builder for react-hook-form.


This package takes your schema and builds the form based on that using your own components.


npm i react-hook-form react-hook-form-builder

or with yarn

yarn add react-hook-form react-hook-form-builder


  1. define your form elements:

export const elements = [
  { key: "BasicInput", element: BasicInput },
  { key: "Button", element: Button },
  1. wrap your root app with <FormBuilderProvider /> and define your elements:

import { FormBuilderProvider } from "react-hook-form-builder";
import { elements } from "../constants/elements.ts";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <FormBuilderProvider elements={elements}>
        {" your app ..."}
  1. define your schema:

const schema = [
    key: "firstName",
    elementType: "BasicInput",
    defaultValue: "john",
    props: {
      placeholder: "First Name",
    key: "lastName",
    elementType: "BasicInput",
    props: {
      placeholder: "Last Name",
    key: "submit",
    elementType: "Button",
    ignoreController: true,
    props: ({ formState: { isDirty } }: any) => ({
      type: "submit",
      label: isDirty ? "Save" : "Submit",
  1. in your desire form, just render your form using <FormBuilder /> and pass your schema & react-hook-form methods:

import { FormBuilder } from "react-hook-form-builder";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
import { schema } from "../constants/contactUsPageSchema.ts";

export default function ContactUsPage() {
  const methods = useForm();
  const onSubmit = (data: any) => console.log(data);

  return (
    <div className="contact-us-page">
      <FormBuilder methods={methods} schema={schema} onSubmit={onSubmit} />


schema props

Type Type Description
key string unque key for each form element.
elementType string Define element type
props any Props passing to element component.
rules HTML standard for form validation
defaultValue any
ignoreController boolean ignore wrapping element inside <Controller />.

Example element

import React, { InputHTMLAttributes, ReactElement } from "react";

type IBasicInput = (props: InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>) => ReactElement;

const BasicInput: IBasicInput = (props) => {
  return <input {...props} />;

export default BasicInput;


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