@hirishu10/simple-date-time ยท Version License Downloads DocsPassing

Simple and very helpful package to get the Date Time functionality.

Now everyone can create full fletched Clock and Date Time service using this package hope you like this Thank You ?


  • Node (version 16 or greater).
  • Yarn (version 1.5 or greater).
  • A fork of the repo (for any contributions).
  • Please read the docs carefully Thanks


Using NPM

npm i @hirishu10/simple-date-time

Using Yarn

yarn add @hirishu10/simple-date-time

Getting started

Simple and Customized Date-Time Functionality

import {
} from "@hirishu10/simple-date-time";

  const fullDay = getCustomDayNameFull();
  const shortDay = getCustomDayNameShort();
  const fullMonth = getCustomMonthNameFull();
  const shortMonth = getCustomMonthNameShort();
  const toDate = getCustomDate();
  const hour = getCustomHour();
  const minute = getCustomMinute();
  const second = getCustomSecond();
  const amPm = getCustomAmPm();
  const timestampLower = getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPm();
  const timestampwithSeconds = getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPmIncludingSeconds();
Done ? you don’t need to write any further code to get the Date-Time Functionality just calling the simple function and you can good to go


? Below we provide examples with code how to use!

  • getCustomDayNameFull();

const fullDay = getCustomDayNameFull();
Output: Friday
  • getCustomDayNameShort();

const shortDay = getCustomDayNameShort();
Output: Fri
  • getCustomMonthNameFull();

const fullMonth = getCustomMonthNameFull();
Output: October
  • getCustomMonthNameShort();

const shortMonth = getCustomMonthNameShort();
Output: Oct
  • getCustomDate();

const toDate = getCustomDate();
Output: 10 // todate
  • getCustomHour();

const hour = getCustomHour();
Output: 10 // current hour
  • getCustomMinute();

const minute = getCustomMinute();
Output: 10 // current minute
  • getCustomSecond();

const second = getCustomSecond();
Output: 10 // current seconds
  • getCustomAmPm();

const amPm = getCustomAmPm();
Output: am/pm
  • getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPm();
const timestampLower = getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPm();
Output: 10 October Friday 10:00am
  • getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPmIncludingSeconds();
const timestampwithSeconds = getCustomFullDateAndTimeWithAmPmIncludingSeconds();
Output: 10 October Friday 10:00:00am

Method and Props Configuration

? Below are the props which you can use to customized the date-time style

Method Type Description
capsOnFlag boolean By default False If Provide True then return the String in UpperCase else in LowerCase
properCaseFlag boolean By default True Providing this the String will return in Proper structure else all in lower case
changeToStringFlag boolean Totally Optional if you need in String make true the flag else ignore
shortOrFullFlag boolean By Default False which return the Day, Month in Short else Make True to return in Full
lowerOrUpperFlag boolean By Default False which return the Day, Month in lowerCase else Make True to return in UpperCase

Feature Update

We are working on this for improving the package which helps everyone thanks ??


Thank You All ??

Made with ? by

Author : Rishu Chowdhary

Email : [email protected]


MIT License ?

This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE.md file for details