
A collection of 139 posts

Frappe Gantt components for React wrapper

gantt-for-react Frappe Gantt components for React wrapper. View demo Download Source 1. install npm install gantt-for-react 2. usage import React from 'react'; import ReactGantt from 'gantt-for-react'; <ReactGantt tasks={this.getTasks()} viewMode={this.
10 March 2018
Simple and elegant spark lines

Simple and elegant spark lines

React Trend Graphing tools are often complex, abstract, and heavy. They require domain-specific knowledge, and a significant time investment. While building rich data visualizations for an analytics app, this is a necessary cost.
07 August 2017

Data visualization library based on React and d3

react-vis A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts, such as line/area/bar charts, heat maps, scatterplots, contour plots, pie and donut charts, sunbursts, radar charts, and tree maps.
02 August 2017

common react charting components using chart.js

react-chartjs rich interactive react charting components using chart.js including Line chart Bar chart Radar chart Polar area chart Pie chart Doughnut chart Live Demo GitHub
02 August 2017

React component for Chartist.js

react-chartist React component for Chartist.js Options Please check out Chartist.js API documentation for more details of the options. data - chart data (required) type - chart type (required) style - inline
02 August 2017

Data-Visualization oriented components

react-vis Data Visualization oriented components Overview A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts, such as line/area/bar charts, heat maps, scatterplots, pie and donut charts with fixed headers
17 March 2017

React JS with Google Charts Component

React JS with Google Charts Component A basic example of a react JS component that updates a google chart. The getData function can me made into a promise with a ajax call to
13 March 2017

LineChart using React and D3

LineChart using React and D3 In this How to integrate React and D3 – The right way tutorial we will take a look at integrating React with another very popular javascript component (d3.js)
06 March 2017

Simple Donut Chart with React JS

Simple Donut Chart with React JS Just a simple donut chart for react. codepen See the Pen React JS Simple Donut Chart by Ted (@zeroskillz) on CodePen.
06 March 2017

React bar chart

React bar chart React bar chart code by Mehdi Hamoudi. I am just playing around, trying to make a simple to use react bar chart component, and mostly customizable via CSS codepen See
05 March 2017
Simple bar chart Written Using React.js

Simple bar chart Written Using React.js

React bar chart Just a simple bar chart react component, mostly customizable via css. This is WIP and probably full of bugs codepen demo See the Pen React bar chart by Mehdi Hamoudi
21 August 2016