React PageSpeed Score A React component for display a dial-type chart of PageSpeed Insights. Install Via Node.js run the following: $ npm i react-pagespeed-score --save Basic Usage import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM
React Trend Graphing tools are often complex, abstract, and heavy. They require domain-specific knowledge, and a significant time investment. While building rich data visualizations for an analytics app, this is a necessary cost.
Chartify React.js plugin for building animated draggable and customizable charts. The source for this module is in the main repo. Please contribute. Live Demo GitHub
react-sigmajs It makes easy to publish networks on Web pages and allows developers to integrate network exploration in rich Web applications. Use JSX for graph configuration, including asynchronous graph loading. Library is lightweight
Victory Victory is an opinionated, but fully overridable, ecosystem of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations. an ecosystem of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations. React.js components for
react-google-charts React-google-charts React component. A React JS wrapper to make it easy and fun to work with Google Charts. Live Demo GitHub
React Timeseries Charts This library contains a set of modular charting components used for building flexible interactive charts. It was built for React from the ground up, specifically to visualize timeseries data and
react-micro-bar-chart React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3. Companion to react-sparkline. Live Demo GitHub
rumble-charts React components for building composable and flexible charts. It's based on D3.js under the hood, but most of the time you will not feel that. Documentation All examples are editable. You
Beautiful and expressive Sparklines React component Import the Sparklines components that you need; for example to generate a simple chart: Sparklines component is a container with the following properties: data - the data
react-sparkline React component for rendering simple sparklines. Companion to react-micro-bar-chart. Live Demo GitHub
react-vis A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts, such as line/area/bar charts, heat maps, scatterplots, contour plots, pie and donut charts, sunbursts, radar charts, and tree maps.
React Dazzle Dashboards made easy in React JS. Dazzle is a library for building dashboards with React JS. Dazzle does not depend on any front-end libraries but it makes it easier to integrate
react-chartjs rich interactive react charting components using chart.js including Line chart Bar chart Radar chart Polar area chart Pie chart Doughnut chart Live Demo GitHub
react-d3-components D3 Components for React. Let React have complete control over the DOM even when using D3. This way we can benefit from Reacts Virtual DOM. Live Demo
d3-react-squared Lightweight event system for (d3) charts and other components for ReactJS. Why yet another d3-react component? There are already some great solutions out there, combining React and D3, e.g.: A gist
react-chartist React component for Chartist.js Options Please check out Chartist.js API documentation for more details of the options. data - chart data (required) type - chart type (required) style - inline
Recharts A composable charting library built on React components Recharts is a Redefined chart library built with React and D3. The main purpose of this library is to help you to write charts
react-vis Data Visualization oriented components Overview A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts, such as line/area/bar charts, heat maps, scatterplots, pie and donut charts with fixed headers
React Timeseries Charts This library contains a set of modular charting components used for building flexible interactive charts. It was built for React from the ground up, specifically to visualize timeseries data and
react-native-chart Add line, area, pie, and bar charts to your React Native app Join the chat at npm version react-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts,
React JS with Google Charts Component A basic example of a react JS component that updates a google chart. The getData function can me made into a promise with a ajax call to
LineChart using React and D3 In this How to integrate React and D3 – The right way tutorial we will take a look at integrating React with another very popular javascript component (d3.js)
React bar chart React bar chart code by Mehdi Hamoudi. I am just playing around, trying to make a simple to use react bar chart component, and mostly customizable via CSS codepen See
react-micro-bar-chart React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3. Companion to react-sparkline. live demo GitHub
React bar chart Just a simple bar chart react component, mostly customizable via css. This is WIP and probably full of bugs codepen demo See the Pen React bar chart by Mehdi Hamoudi