
A collection of 84 posts

A React binding of mapbox-gl-js

React-mapbox-gl Simple to use with declarative API WebGl Mapbox map in React. React wrapper for mapbox-gl-js. Expose a bunch of component meant to be simple to use for React. It is important to
18 August 2017

A React wrapper for MapboxGL-js and overlay API

react-map-gl In addition to exposing MapboxGL functionality to React apps, react-map-gl also integrates seamlessly with React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS Installation npm install --save react-map-gl browserify - react-map-gl is
17 August 2017

A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API

React Geosuggest A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API. You can also define your own suggests as defaults. Works with Preact, too. Live Demo GitHub
17 August 2017

A declarative React interface to Google Maps

React Google Maps A declarative React interface to Google Maps. Important Notes This is an alpha release. The API and organizational structure are subject to change. Comments and contributions are much appreciated. Installation
17 August 2017
A Google Maps component for React.js

A Google Maps component for React.js

React Gmaps A Google Maps component for React.js Features Lazy Google Maps loading Easy to use Installation $ npm install react-gmaps --save Live Demo GitHub
17 August 2017

React.js Google Maps integration component

React.js Google Maps integration component react-google-maps React.js Google Maps integration component Call for maintainers As the author (tomchentw) currently doesn't actively use this module, he's looking
17 August 2016