Extensions A custom extension for stable diffusion webui to load local 3D model/animation A custom extension for stable diffusion webui to load local 3D model/animation 05 May 2023
Extensions Easily create extensions using Wavebox flow to customize your browsing experience Easily create extensions using Wavebox flow to customize your browsing experience 24 March 2023
VSCode VS Code Extension to create lazy imports in React VS Code Extension to create lazy imports in React 19 January 2023
Web3 Web3 extension to intercept bad transactions before you get scammed Web3 extension to intercept bad transactions before you get scammed 21 August 2022
Extensions An extension for rating the web and making your browsing experience better than ever An extension for rating the web and making your browsing experience better than ever 09 August 2022
Chrome Extension A simple browser extension framework for creating extensions with typescript and react A simple browser extension framework for creating extensions with typescript and react 22 July 2022
Chrome Extension A browser extension to search Haskell knowledge A browser extension to search Haskell knowledge 21 July 2022
State Sync state across content script, background workers and the popup in Plasmo extensions Sync state across content script, background workers and the popup in Plasmo extensions 07 July 2022
Checker Check how trackable you are based on your browser extensions Check how trackable you are based on your browser extensions. 20 June 2022
VSCode Specify various templates for different directories and create them with one click Specify various templates for different directories and create them with one click 07 June 2022
Chrome Extension Plasmo: The browser extension framework Plasmo: The browser extension framework 06 June 2022
Snippets A Website for React and Next.js Snippets extension A Website for React and Next.js Snippets extension 10 May 2022
Comment Tiptap Extension for having Google-Docs like pro-commenting in Tiptap Tiptap Extension for having Google-Docs like pro-commenting in Tiptap 11 April 2022
Converter An extension converts the prices in the Argentine free market to USDT using the price of belo.app An extension converts the prices in the Argentine free market to USDT using the price of belo.app 22 March 2022
Extensions Spicetify creator plugin to show what's new in your app/extension Spicetify creator plugin to show what's new in your app/extension 07 March 2022
VSCode A VSCode Sidebar Webview Extension With React A VSCode Sidebar Webview Extension With React 02 March 2022
Developer Tool DevToys for VScode: A Swiss Army knife for developers A Swiss Army knife for developers.This is the vscode extension version of Devtoys 17 February 2022
VSCode A Vscode extension that gives React, and Next.js snippets A Vscode extension that gives React, and Next.js snippets 12 February 2022
Vite A vite plugin for generating cross browser platform, ES module based web extensions A vite plugin for generating cross browser platform, ES module based web extensions 08 February 2022
Javascript RxJS stands for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript and it is a JavaScript library RxJS stands for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript and it is a JavaScript library 08 February 2022
Extensions Simple Browser extension to save passwords across browsers A Simple browser extension for password management. 30 January 2022
Proctoring Aankh - A straightforward framework built for automatic proctoring to create online tests, effortlessly Aankh - A straightforward framework built for automatic proctoring to create online tests, effortlessly 25 January 2022
NFT Chrome extension to block NFT profiles on Twitter Chrome extension to block NFT profiles on Twitter 22 January 2022
VSCode VSCode extension to generate a router based on file based routing and nested layouts VSCode extension to generate a router based on file based routing and nested layouts 16 January 2022
Starter A web extension starter built with React, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS. Build once, and run on multiple browsers A web extension starter built with React, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS. Build once, and run on multiple browsers 11 January 2022
Starter A starter repo for building browser extensions with React and Typescript A starter repo for building browser extensions with React and Typescript 09 January 2022
Web3 React application based on smart contract using web3 and MetaMask extention React application based on smart contract using web3 and MetaMask extention 04 January 2022
Browser A browser extension for using kbar in HackMD A browser extension for using kbar in HackMD 25 December 2021
VSCode A simple VSCODE extension that shows the symbols and outlines for a React file A simple VSCODE extension that shows the symbols and outlines for a React file 05 December 2021
Extensions An Examples Of How To Extend Raycast Using React An Examples Of How To Extend Raycast Using React 13 October 2021