List Expense List built with React and TypeScript Expense List built with React and TypeScript 07 July 2023
Todo A simple React Todo List App using Mantine UI A simple React Todo List App using Mantine UI 13 July 2022
List Presence List Made with ReactJS and TypeScript Presence List Made with ReactJS and TypeScript 07 July 2022
Apps A small React application that lists the names of Star Wars movies A small React application that lists the names of Star Wars movies 12 May 2022
Drag Drop Easy Drag & Drop sort list with react You should focus the logics of your app, not DnD. 19 April 2022
Drag Drop A Beautiful And Accessible Drag And Drop For List, Built With React A Beautiful And Accessible Drag And Drop For List, Built With React 21 February 2022
Shopping Grocery Shopping List Built With MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) Grocery Shopping List Built With MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) 19 January 2022
Apps Product List Application Using React.js and Material-UI Product List Application Using React.js and Material-UI 19 January 2022
Apps A mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) and is built using React and Redux A mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) and is built using React and Redux 27 December 2021
Drag Drop A well-contained abstraction with simple performant animations A well-contained abstraction with simple performant animations 20 December 2021
Apps My Anime List : A web app which is bulit using react as a frontend and firebase as a backend My Anime List : A web app which is bulit using react as a frontend and firebase as a backend 08 December 2021
React Native React Native Synced Horizontal and Vertical List React Native Synced Horizontal and Vertical List 06 December 2021
Redux A simple contact list application built with Angular 2, Immutable.js and Redux A simple contact list application built with Angular 2, Immutable.js and Redux 06 December 2021
Drag An easy to use component for quickly adding a drag and order scrollable list to your app An easy to use component for quickly adding a drag and order scrollable list to your app 16 November 2021
Swipe A configurable react component to render list with swipeable items A configurable react component to render list with swipeable items. 21 October 2021
List A React Component For (List) Items With Swipe To Reveal Actions A React component for (list) items with swipe to reveal actions 10 October 2021
List A React component that can virtualise lists and any set of children A list virtualiser that can create virtual rows out of arrays or a total count, or virtualise an arbitrary set of React components. 04 September 2021
List A powerful virtual list component for React The most powerful virtual list component for React. 04 August 2021
Infinite Scroll A simple hook to create infinite scroll list components with react This is a hook to create infinite scroll components! 04 April 2021
List A React component to sort items in lists or grids The goal of this component is to allow sorting elements with drag and drop. 12 February 2021
List A simple listview for ReactJS that implements the concept of virtualization A simple listview component for ReactJS that implements the concept of virtualization for effieciently rendering a huge dataset. 19 June 2020
List An elegant virtual list component for React React Virtuoso is a simple, easy to use React virtualized list component that can render huge data sets. 08 May 2020
Table Neat table/list views with filtering and pagination powered by React Component used to display an array of object based data in a sortable, filterable, paginated, list based view, powered by React. 01 March 2020
Swipe Swipeable list component for React A control to render list with swipeable items. Items can have action on left and right swipe. Swipe action triggering can be configured. 23 September 2019
Layout Rendering columns from a list of children with horizontal ordering React component for rendering columns from a list of children with horizontal ordering. 27 May 2019
Maps React People lists and connects React developers around the world React People lists and connects React developers around the world. 15 November 2018
List React-based list with selectable and navigable items A list with selectable and keyboard navigable items. 12 November 2018
List React component for a list of draggable collapsible items React component for a list of draggable collapsible items 26 August 2018
List React List Component using the Intersection Observer API React infinite scroll using the Intersection Observer API 26 June 2018
List A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated sortable list A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list. 24 May 2018
List React SectionList component based in react-virtualized List React SectionList component based in a wrapper around react-virtualized List. 25 April 2018
List Super simple virtualized list React higher-order component react-virtual-list allows you to display a large list of fixed-height items, while only rendering the items visible on the screen. 20 April 2018
List Animated Sorting List React.js Animated Sorting List React.js a nice Animated Sorting List React.js BY Chris Macrae. codepen demo See the Pen Animated Sorting List React.js by Chris Macrae (@chrisdmacrae) on CodePen. 02 March 2017